While you're here, get involved!
Whether you’ve been in the United States for a couple days or a couple of years, we have resources that can help you as you adjust to life in Dallas!
Helpful Links

International Students Inc.
We can help you succeed as an international student. ISI can help you thrive in the US by helping you find a community that will support you as you adjust to a different culture and academic environment.

God Story App
This site is provided for people searching for truth, purpose and hope. It is for people who wish to know what the Holy Bible teaches about God the Creator, how we have been created etc...

M28 Discovery Bible Study
Engaging, equipping, and empowering disciples of Jesus to be disciple-makers in their world.

The Waha Discovery Bible Study App
With the Waha App, you can easily invite your friends to join you in a Discovery Bible Study (DBS). The app facilitates the entire lesson for you, making it simple and convenient.

All About God
There are hundreds of videos right here on AllAboutGOD.com covering many of the topic pages on the site.

ICF Bible Studies
Some of the following studies have been used in ICF in the past and are being made available here for all to use in the future.

Knowing God
God’s Desire is to know you and have you know Him. The Bible says: “For this is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:3, 4)...
Learn about life in the U.S.

How to Survive in the U.S.
Read our tips on how to succeed as an international student in the U.S.

Howdy International Students Youtube Channel
Find videos about how to make your life in the United States easier as an international student!

Life in America
We hope you find the information here to be helpful to your American experience. Choose one of the options below to begin exploring.

Chai & Coaching
Check out our videos that focus on cross-cultural training, international student success, and career consulting in America and abroad. We love to teach about things like culture, studies, job search and much more!
Learn about life at UT Dallas

Travel Guide
Welcome to UT Dallas! We’re glad you’re here! Traveling to a new country may seem difficult. Find some tips to help guide the way.

New International Student Checklist
Track important assignments you must complete prior to and after arrival in the U.S.

Campus Life
Live here, play here and get involved. Life on the UT Dallas campus is as dynamic as our students. There are myriad opportunities for you to explore and grow.

UTD Virtual Tour
Explore UT Dallas at your own pace, whenever and wherever is comfortable for you.

Thomsen Fund
The Thomsen Fund provides free tickets for UT Dallas students to attend performances and fine arts events in the Dallas area.

UT Dallas International Youtube Channel
The International Center and Intercultural Programs at The University of Texas at Dallas Youtube Channel.